Step 4: Making Up

Making up

When you have completed your 9 individual squares, blocked and darned in all your ends, you are ready to lay them out and begin sewing them together.

Each square has a clear top and bottom. Along the top you be able to see 3 distinct ridges. I have used stitch markers at the top of each square to make it easier to see when laying them out.

If you don’t have markers, but wish to do the same, you can add a small loop of coloured thread at the top of each square.

Step 1: Layout

  • Place the central Honeycomb Square in the middle of your pattern.
  • Lay the 4 Mock Cable (MC) Squares around the central square to form a cross, with all the top edges at the top.
  • Next add the 4 Diagonal Trellis (DT) Squares into the four corners turning them around so that the top edges of the DT squares line up with the side edges of the MC squares. (see image above) 

The Diagonal Trellis squares have been laid sideways in order to create a clear stitch contrast with the adjoining squares.

Step 2: Sewing Together

There are two different edges involved with joining your squares. The edge to edge sides running down each side of your squares and the edge made along the top and bottom of your squares when you cast on/off.

To sew your edge to edge squares together;

  • Pin two squares together with right sides facing together.
  • Holding both squares together, thread your yarn and attach securely in the corner.
  • Sew using over stitch to join both squares.

To sew your cast on/off edge together;

  • Pin two squares together with right sides facing together.
  • Holding both squares together, thread your yarn and attach securely in the corner.
  • Insert your needle into the backloop of each stitch along the cast on/off edge before using over stitch to join both squares.


By sewing into the back loop, when you look at the right side-facing, a single ridge of stitches will remain visible along the seam.

Continue joining all 9 squares to make one knitted piece.

 Step 3: Blocking

With all squares sewn together, it is important to now block your knitted piece for a final time. This will help to set the finished size and even out the stitches.

  • With a cushion pad measuring 40 cms x 40 cms you will want your cover to be slightly smaller.
  • Lay your knitted piece on a blocking mat or folded towels. Using a water spritzer, spray and dampen thoroughly all over.
  • Gently ease out the knitted piece and pin around the edge, so that it measures approx. 39 cms x 39 cms.
  • Leave to dry completely before removing the pins.

Step 4: Backing Fabric

Using your knitted piece as a template and adding 2 cms for seams all around, cut out backing fabric.

Press seam allowance and with right sides together pin the fabric to the knitted piece.

Carefully hand sew around the 3 sides of your cushion. Turn your work right sides out and insert cushion pad before sewing up the final side to complete the cushion.





If you have enjoyed this project and making your Patchwork Cushion, you can now buy a copy of the complete pattern to keep along with links to all the mini videos,

Click here for Patchwork Cushion Pattern page